Can we eat millet porridge as breakfast, What types of foods should not eat as breakfast

Can we eat millet porridge as breakfast

In normal times, we often say that breakfast should be eaten well, lunch should be full, and dinner should be eaten less. Breakfast is the most important source of nutrition for the human body in a day, whether it is to improve the efficiency of work and study, or to protect physical health, it is extremely important. significance. Can we eat millet porridge as breakfast

Can we eat millet porridge as breakfast
Can we eat millet porridge as breakfast

However, in modern society, with the increasing work pressure, many people gradually develop the habit of skipping breakfast, skipping breakfast for a short period of time will not have too serious impact on the body, but if skipping breakfast for a long time , not only will cause hunger, but also induce a variety of diseases.

The dangers of skipping breakfast

1. Lead to Obesity

The dangers of skipping breakfast
The dangers of skipping breakfast

Many people skip breakfast in order to lose weight. This kind of practice is meaningless. The human body has a standard calorie demand. It is not breakfast food that will increase lunch and dinner. If you don’t exercise after dinner, it is more likely to cause fat accumulation and induce obesity. In addition, if you don’t eat for a long time Breakfast can also deposit cholesterol lipoproteins in the lining of blood vessels, leading to hardening of the arteries.

2. Slow response

Breakfast is the source of energy for brain activity. If you don’t eat breakfast for a long time, your body will not be able to supply enough blood sugar for consumption. The human body will soon feel tired and fatigued, unable to concentrate, lethargic, and unresponsive, which will seriously affect the efficiency of work and study.

3. Injury to the stomach

Under normal circumstances, the food eaten at night will enter the intestinal tract after about 6 hours. If you do not eat breakfast on the second day, gastric acid and various digestive enzymes in the stomach will digest the gastric mucosa, and the cells secrete mucus in the long run. The function is damaged, and it is very easy to cause gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

4. Induce constipation

The dangers of skipping breakfast
The dangers of skipping breakfast

In the case of regular and quantitative three meals, the human body naturally produces the phenomenon of gastrocolic reflex, which is simply to promote defecation. However, if you skip breakfast for a long time, the gastrocolic reflex will be disturbed, and the problem of constipation will arise.

Can’t millet porridge be used for breakfast?

When it comes to the most nutritious food, I believe that the first thing most people think of is millet porridge. For thousands of years, millet porridge has been a regular customer on people’s dining table, especially those middle-aged and elderly people who feel that If you don’t drink porridge during the day, you don’t have a proper meal because of this.

However, as people’s in-depth research on nutrition has found that millet porridge is not suitable for long-term breakfast, especially for young children who are in the critical period of growth and development, it is not conducive to eating millet porridge for breakfast for a long time. The body’s absorption of nutrients is also not conducive to normal growth and development.

Can't millet porridge be used for breakfast?
Can’t millet porridge be used for breakfast?

This is mainly because the nutrition of millet porridge is too simple. Eating millet porridge as breakfast for a long time will affect the body’s absorption and utilization of nutrients. Over time, it will lead to malnutrition and weight loss.

In addition, millet porridge that has been boiled for a long time is sticky in texture, but contains a lot of carbohydrates. Often drinking millet porridge that has been boiled for too long will increase the body’s intake of sugar.

For hyperglycemia and diabetic patients with high blood sugar, this is not only not conducive to the recovery and improvement of the disease, but will lead to the aggravation of the disease.

Although drinking millet porridge for a long time has certain disadvantages, it does not mean that millet porridge cannot be eaten for breakfast in the future. If you like to drink millet porridge, you must control the intake. When drinking millet porridge, you should also mix it with other nutrient-rich porridge. food that is nutritionally balanced.

Doctor: Not only millet porridge, but also these 4 kinds of breakfast, What types of foods should not eat as breakfast

1. Aftertaste breakfast

For most families, there are almost all leftovers from the previous night in the refrigerator. Adhering to the principle of diligence and frugality, most people usually reheat these leftovers and continue to eat after getting up in the morning.

2. Western fast food

 What types of foods should not eat as breakfast
What types of foods should not eat as breakfast

For most office workers, they do not have time to cook every morning. They usually eat some Western-style fast food such as hamburgers and French fries. Such food is not only delicious, but also more convenient and fast, and it is also very satiety.

However, these breakfasts are relatively high in calories, and most of them are fried foods, lacking nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and cellulose. Eating these foods for a long time will not only cause nutritional imbalances, but also induce obesity.

3. Roadside stalls

Most office workers spend their mornings in a hurry, and most of the food they eat in the morning is food made by roadside stalls, such as pancakes and fruits, roujiamo, egg cakes, etc. After buying them again, they can’t help being hungry. Eat while walking.

 What types of foods should not eat as breakfast
What types of foods should not eat as breakfast

Eating breakfast at roadside stalls in the city for a long time will not only cause nutritional deficiencies, but eating while walking will also be detrimental to gastrointestinal health, which is not conducive to digestion and absorption, and street food often has hidden health risks, which may increase the risk of disease.

4. Traditional breakfast

Soymilk fritters should be standard breakfast for most people, but if you take soymilk and fritters as breakfast for a long time, it will also have adverse effects on your health, because fritters are high-temperature fried foods that contain a lot of fat.

 What types of foods should not eat as breakfast
What types of foods should not eat as breakfast

In addition, after the food is fried, the nutrients in it will be destroyed and carcinogens will be produced. Soy milk also contains a lot of fat. This breakfast combination obviously exceeds the calorie limit. Eating it for a long time not only causes obesity, but also easily induces the heart and brain. Vascular disease.

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