If you are suffering from depression pay attention to these things

3. It's all my fault

If you are suffering from depression pay attention to these things.

1. I’m useless

Usually, everyone is in a bad mood, and it is normal to lose interest in the things around them occasionally;
But if you constantly say that the world is too dull or quarrel with others, and complain about “I’m really useless”, you are denying yourself for a time, completely erasing the importance of your existence, and even feeling useless.

1. I'm useless
1. I’m useless

Doing this over and over will only lower your self-confidence, to the point that you think your existence is irrelevant to the world, which also means your depression worsens.

2. It’s boring to live

Patients with more severe depression sometimes can no longer control their behavior, and it is easy to do things that hurt themselves;
They are often in pain in their hearts, and it is difficult to find a way to relieve the pressure, so they often have to temporarily release the pressure by hurting themselves.
If you often say that life is really boring, you may have a tendency to depression, so you must pay attention.

2. It's boring to live
2. It’s boring to live

Of course, if you find that someone around you is often like this, the best thing you should do is to try to enlighten the other party to accompany them to relax together, improve the other party’s sense of security, or find a common hobby, so that the mood will gradually improve.

3. It’s all my fault

No matter how good and perfect people are, they will make some small mistakes in life. The correct way is to solve the problem in time and find the reasons from all aspects, whether it is their own reasons or external reasons.

3. It's all my fault
3. It’s all my fault

But after some people do something wrong, they will only complain that they did not do well and put all the responsibility on themselves. This not only fails to make others understand them, but it will increase the psychological burden and make the disease more serious.

4. When I die, you will relax

The person who said this sentence is already more severely depressed. Depressed people do often have thoughts of suicide, so they often put this sentence on their lips.
At the same time, when socializing with others, I feel bored, even physically and mentally exhausted, and sometimes I feel that everyone sees themselves in a different way, so I have the idea that they will relax when I die.If you are suffering from depression pay attention to these things

If someone around you often says this kind of thing and keeps repeating it, don’t think he is joking, you should observe the other party’s actions more to avoid accidents due to temporary inattention.

4. When I die, you will relax
4. When I die, you will relax

In fact, from an objective point of view, depression is not a terminal illness. If it is not too serious, it will not pose a threat to the body. The mind causes harm, and in severe cases, it does things that harm the body.
In short, if you or your relatives and friends often say the above 4 sentences, it is likely to be a precursor to depression. At this time, you should consult a psychiatrist in time and adjust your emotions reasonably.If you are suffering from depression pay attention to these things

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