How to prevent high blood pressure in life

How to prevent high blood pressure in life

How to prevent high blood pressure in life. In recent years, due to changes in people’s lifestyles, the incidence of hypertension is also rising.
It is understood that the number of people with hypertension in my country has exceeded 245 million.

Among them, only 5.7% of whom have blood pressure under control, and those patients with poorly controlled blood pressure are prone to various serious complications that endanger their health and lives.
Therefore, in order to avoid health damage, it is necessary for everyone to learn more about high blood pressure and take preventive measures.

How to prevent high blood pressure in life
How to prevent high blood pressure in life

How to prevent high blood pressure in life?

1. Have a light diet

Many people like to eat heavy-tasting food. When cooking food, they will add too much salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce and other condiments, resulting in excessive intake of salt. The main component of salt is sodium ions. Once the sodium ions in the body exceed the standard, This leads to an increase in blood volume and an increase in blood pressure.
Therefore, if you don’t want your blood pressure to rise, your diet must be light, your daily salt intake should be controlled below 6 grams, and you should avoid eating all kinds of pickled foods as much as possible.

1. Have a light diet
1. Have a light diet

2. Maintain a stable mood

At present, people’s life rhythm is getting faster and faster, and the pressure of work and life is increasing, which leads to many people’s emotional instability. Excessive emotional fluctuations can cause blood pressure to rise, and high blood pressure can occur in certain environments.

2. Maintain a stable mood
2. Maintain a stable mood

Therefore, it is very important to maintain a stable mood, especially for those with a genetic history of hypertension, they must learn to adjust their mentality, face life with an optimistic and positive attitude, and not be too excited and anxious to get angry.

3. Exercise more

There are many benefits of persevering in exercise. Exercise can promote the body’s metabolism and calorie consumption, thereby helping us control weight and promote blood circulation;
These are of great help to prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure, especially those office workers who sit in front of the computer for a long time and work, they should actively exercise to reduce the occurrence of high blood pressure.

3. Exercise more
3. Exercise more

4. Regularly measure blood pressure

Regular blood pressure measurement can help us detect abnormal blood pressure earlier, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, people who smoke and drink regularly, obese people, and people with diabetes and kidney disease. Take timely measures to deal with it.

4. Regularly measure blood pressure
4. Regularly measure blood pressure

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