Winter is the golden period to nourish the stomach, Winter season stomach care tips

3. Pumpkin

Winter is the golden period to nourish the stomach, Winter season stomach care tips. With the acceleration of the pace of life, many people do not pay attention to the regularity of their diet, especially young people who often eat spicy, irritating, and greasy foods, which will inevitably increase the burden on the stomach and increase the risk of stomach diseases.

When stomach disease occurs, the patient will have a variety of uncomfortable feelings, which will affect normal work and study.

Winter season stomach care tips
Winter season stomach care tips

Therefore, people with stomach problems are reminded that they must get rid of bad eating habits, and at the same time, start from the diet and eat more food that nourishes the stomach. Especially in winter, it is called the golden period of nourishing the stomach. If you insist on eating the following four kinds of foods, you may be able to repair the damaged gastric mucosa and restore the health of the stomach.

1. Mushrooms

Mushroom is a kind of fungus food. It is rich in nutrients and contains a lot of protein and vitamins. It has the functions of nourishing blood, nourishing blood and appetizing. Regular eating can protect the gastric mucosa and improve the ability of the stomach to resist diseases.

1. Mushrooms
1. Mushrooms

In addition, the latest research found that shiitake mushrooms also contain interferon, which can interfere with virus synthesis to a certain extent, thereby preventing Helicobacter pylori from causing damage to the stomach.

2. Bananas

As we all know, banana is a very common fruit in life. It is not only cheap but also tastes good. It is a food suitable for all ages.

Especially for people with a bad stomach, moderate intake on weekdays can promote gastrointestinal motility, shorten the time that metabolites are shortened in the body, and protect the stomach on the other hand.

2. Bananas
2. Bananas

Because there is a substance called serotonin in bananas, its main function is to reduce the secretion of gastric juice and enhance the antacid ability of gastric mucosal cells, thereby achieving the effect of protecting the gastric mucosa. Especially for people with gastritis and gastric ulcers, eating some regularly can prevent the continued development of gastric diseases.

3. Pumpkin

In winter, pumpkin is almost one of the must-have ingredients for many families. It tastes sweet and has a soft and glutinous taste. It is suitable for people of all ages. Not only that, there are many functions of pumpkin. Nourishes Qi, and can also reduce inflammation and protect the stomach.

3. Pumpkin
3. Pumpkin

The main reason is that pumpkin is rich in pectin, which can protect the gastric mucosa and prevent bacteria from causing damage to the stomach when it enters the stomach. At the same time, pectin can also absorb some bacteria, thereby reducing the harm of bacteria to the body.

4. Peanuts

When it comes to the idea that peanuts nourish the stomach, some people may find it unbelievable, but in fact, peanuts are rich in nutrients. In addition to protein, fat and vitamins needed by the human body, they also contain an ingredient called lecithin.

The first few are beneficial to enhance memory ability and promote the development of brain cells, while lecithin is part of the protective barrier of gastric mucosa, and can also protect gastric mucosal cells from gastric acid and other harmful factors, and promote the growth of gastric mucosal cells. , and finally achieve the effect of nourishing the stomach.

4. Peanuts
4. Peanuts

All in all, winter is indeed a good time to nourish the stomach. We can start with our diet and eat more of the peanuts, pumpkins, bananas, and mushrooms mentioned above, so as to avoid damage to the gastric mucosa and enhance the function of the stomach.

Of course, in order to achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, there are still many ways to start. It is recommended to drink more black Tartary buckwheat tea and barley tea in life. The reason is that black Tartary buckwheat contains flavonoids, which can repair damaged gastric mucosa, while barley tea is warm food, which can promote food digestion.Winter is the golden period to nourish the stomach

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