Why do some girls have strong armpit hair, while others are very clean?

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

We often say that the hair and skin of the body are received by the parents, and every hair on the human body, every inch of skin, comes from the gift of the parents, and has a unique meaning for the human body. Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair
Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

But for women, excessively growing hair has become a problem for them, especially in summer, if you wear miniskirts and small suspenders, the thick hairs on your arms and legs are particularly eye-catching.

In addition, the most troublesome thing for most girls is armpit hair. Many girls have a very troublesome life in summer. They have to use depilatory cream to remove hair every few days. For those girls who are financially allowed, they may choose The way of laser hair removal.

The existence of armpit hair does affect the external image of women to a certain extent, but we cannot ignore the positive effect that armpit hair brings to the human body.

What does armpit hair do?

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair
Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

1. Protective effect

Armpit hair covers the armpits, which can block the invasion of external bacteria and dust to the skin of the armpits and prevent local skin infections.

2. Reduce friction

When the arm moves, the skin of the armpit will be rubbed. If there is no armpit hair, the local skin may be peeled and red and swollen, so the armpit hair has the effect of relieving local friction.

3. Perspiration and detoxification

Sweat also carries some toxins and garbage that the human body does not need. The existence of armpit hair can quickly excrete toxins and garbage from the body, and better protect human health.

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair, while others are very clean? What does armpit hair mean?

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair
Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

1. Genetic factors

As a kind of human hair, armpit hair is also affected by genetic factors. If there is too much body hair in the parents or family, it may lead to the problem of strong armpit hair in girls.

2. Hormone influence

The growth of human hair is mainly affected by male hormones. If the female body has high male hormone levels, or suffers from polycystic ovaries, ovarian cysts and other diseases, resulting in high male hormones, it will also cause the appearance of strong armpit hair.

3. Drug side effects

As the saying goes, medicines are poisonous. Taking certain medicines will also cause side effects while treating diseases. For example, long-term or large-scale use of glucocorticoids, topical hair growth medicines, etc., may also lead to strong armpit hair.

4. Improper hair removal

Why do some girls have strong armpit hair
Why do some girls have strong armpit hair

If you do not take proper care of your skin and hair, do not take correct hair removal, hair removal measures or frequent hair removal, and use cosmetics or toiletries that are not suitable for your own conditions, it will also lead to strong underarm hair growth.

5. Endocrine disorders

If you have a disordered life rhythm, stay up late for a long time, feel uncomfortable, and be stimulated by negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, it will lead to endocrine disorders, affect the normal secretion of hormones, and make armpit hair grow vigorously.

The more the armpit hair falls off, the thicker the hair?

I believe that everyone has heard the saying that the more frequent the hair removal, the more vigorous the hair growth will be. So is this statement true or false?

The answer is obviously no. If this is true, no one will be bothered by baldness. In fact, whether the hair is more or less, thick or thin, dark or light has nothing to do with hair removal. genetics and hormones.

The more the armpit hair falls off, the thicker the hair?
The more the armpit hair falls off, the thicker the hair?

The hair follicle directly affects the growth of hair. It is located deep in the skin. It is only the surface shearing and will not affect the hair follicle, so it will not affect the state of the hair.

After hair removal, many people usually complain that the newly grown armpit hair is very hard and hurts the skin. In fact, this is an illusion, because the newly grown armpit hair will not bend and will directly stimulate the skin, causing pain. It will return to normal in a few days.

Does shaving armpits cause body odor?

Body odor, also known as underarm odor, is a sweat odor that occurs in the armpits. Sweat is the liquid secreted by sweat glands. Sweat glands are divided into apocrine glands and eccrine glands. Apocrine glands are mainly distributed in some special parts, such as the armpits. The odorous sweat syndrome in the armpits is caused by the strong secretion of the apocrine glands in the armpits. Local hyperhidrosis, which develops into local foul sweating.

The liquid just secreted by the apocrine sweat glands in the armpit is odorless. When the skin surface of the armpit is decomposed by bacteria on the skin surface to produce free fatty acids and ammonia, it has a strong pungent odor. The occurrence of underarm odor.

Does shaving armpits cause body odor?
Does shaving armpits cause body odor?

Many people think that shaving armpit hair can cause body odor, but there is no scientific basis for such a statement.

Because when shaving armpit hair, it will not affect the gap between the cells of the tube wall, but if the armpit hair is plucked, it will damage the integrity of the skin, weaken the skin’s disease resistance, easily cause bacterial infection, mutate the apocrine glands, lipids , Protein substances are excreted from the body and interact with epidermal bacteria, resulting in odor.

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