What should eat less if you want to lose weight

What should eat less if you want to lose weight

Nowadays, weight loss has become the most popular topic nowadays. Not only women, but more and more men are also joining the ranks of losing weight. Having a slender figure can not only improve personal temperament, but also help prevent diseases. What should eat less if you want to lose weight

What should eat less if you want to lose weight
What should eat less if you want to lose weight

Losing weight is nothing more than 6 words, keep your mouth shut and open your legs, but in daily life, there are very few people who can really achieve these two points. I can’t stop my appetite, and I’m busy with work every day, and I don’t have time to go out to exercise. The great cause of weight loss has failed.

What harm does being overweight bring to the human body?

1. More prone to cancer

According to epidemiological surveys, obese women are more likely to develop endometrial cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer, and obese men are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are obese, they are more likely to develop colon cancer and rectal cancer. cancer risk.

2. Induce fatty liver

What harm does being overweight bring to the human body?
What harm does being overweight bring to the human body?

The liver is the place where triglycerides are synthesized. The balance between the synthesis and transport of triglycerides in obese people is out of balance. Too much fatty acid intake will result in more triglycerides synthesized by the liver, and a large amount of triglycerides will accumulate in the liver. Fatty liver will form.

3. Causes bone and joint disease

Obesity can cause osteoarthritis, diabetic osteoarthritis and gouty osteoarthritis, among which osteoarthritis is the most harmful, mainly affecting the knee, hip and finger joints.

What harm does being overweight bring to the human body?
What harm does being overweight bring to the human body?

4. Hinder nutrient absorption

Many people think that obesity means good absorption of nutrients. In fact, obesity is not only an excess of body fat, but also a lack of certain nutrients. Most obese children are often accompanied by deficiencies of trace elements such as iron and calcium, which can easily lead to iron deficiency. Diseases such as anemia and osteomalacia.

Can’t eat watermelon to lose weight?

Can't eat watermelon to lose weight?
Can’t eat watermelon to lose weight?

Whenever it is hot in summer, the best-selling fruit at the fruit stand should be watermelon, but for people who are losing weight, they usually struggle with eating watermelon. Many people think that watermelon is sweeter. What about gaining weight?

In fact, eating watermelon is to lose weight or gain weight, mainly depends on how to eat watermelon.

If the intake of watermelon is increased before or after meals, eating watermelon is fattening. Because watermelon contains a certain amount of calories, if you increase the intake of watermelon after a meal, it is equivalent to taking in more calories, so you will gain weight.

If the same amount of staple food is reduced while eating watermelon, watermelon can lose weight at this time. Because the sugar content of watermelon is 8%-15%, the calorie content of watermelon is less than that of rice, noodles, steamed bread, etc. under the same staple food intake.

Can't eat watermelon to lose weight?
Can’t eat watermelon to lose weight?

The part between the watermelon rind and the watermelon flesh is called watermelon cuiyi. Eating it can diuretic, thereby reducing the heat in the body, so eating watermelon can help you lose weight.

Doctor: If you don’t want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things

1. Chocolate

Most girls prefer to eat sweets at ordinary times, especially on Valentine’s Day and other festivals, they usually receive chocolate, but chocolate has always been a calorie bomb. Eating a lot of chocolate will definitely cause the body to gain weight.

The calories of 100g of chocolate are about 500kcal, which is high in calories. If you eat more, you will gain weight. Especially the chocolate sold in the market, in order to add more taste, adding sugar will further aggravate obesity.

If you don't want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things
If you don’t want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things

If you like to eat chocolate at ordinary times, you must pay attention to the choice of types. Usually, dark chocolate contains less sugar, and also contains chocolate polyphenols, which have certain benefits for the body. Obese people can eat it in moderation.

2. Beer

Whenever summer comes, many people are accustomed to putting a few cans of beer in the refrigerator, drinking a few bottles of cold beer after get off work and feeling refreshed, and the exhaustion of the whole day disappears, but I don’t know if you have noticed that for a long time. People who drink beer generally have larger stomachs, which is what we often call beer belly.

Beer is also known as liquid bread, mainly monosaccharides and amino acids will generate a lot of calories in the body. In addition, when you drink beer, you will also eat high-fat and high-protein foods, which will also increase your calorie intake and affect your weight.

If you don't want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things
If you don’t want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things

Therefore, if you want to control your weight, you must drink less beer at ordinary times, especially those who are already overweight and obese, should drink in moderation.

3. French Fries

French fries should be the favorite of many children and young people. Fried crispy fries with sweet and sour tomato sauce can be said to be delicious in the world, but eating french fries often will also lead to obesity.

French fries are fried foods, and fried foods have too much fat. Fat is a high-calorie food, which causes the calorie value of French fries to be high. According to the determination of every 100 grams of French fries, the heat is close to 300 kcal.

If you don't want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things
If you don’t want to grow fat in your abdomen, you should eat less of these 3 things

The calorie of 100 grams of steamed bread is only about 110 kcal, so the french fries of the same calorie are much smaller than the ordinary staple food, which is not easy to produce satiety, and it is more likely to cause excessive calorie eating and increase obesity. Moreover, during the production process of french fries, high temperature will also produce certain harmful substances, which are unhealthy foods, so do not eat too much.

Read more tips about health on www.watchhindi.in

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