How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

Life is nothing more than an insecure journey. Many times, it is a lonely struggle for one person, on the goals set by oneself, and these goals are nothing more than the needs of the five-character mantra of “eating, drinking, sleeping,” in life. How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

No matter it is big mouth, small mouth, good mouth, bad mouth, front mouth, expensive mouth, gluttonous mouth, rotten mouth, beautiful mouth, fat mouth, thin mouth, all kinds of mouths, without exception, will follow the most important things in this life. Expensive principles: eat, drink, pull, sprinkle, sleep.

How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements
How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

After all, eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping are the foundation of human survival. Apart from these basic elements, other fame, fortune, status, personal preferences, etc. are all ignored.

Everyone has the habit of defecation in daily life, but do you really know about defecation? Have you ever really paid attention to him? Eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping are all things that our bodies must do to maintain normal functions, and are also part of our daily routine.

If there is a problem with defecation, it will cause our body to have symptoms and states such as diarrhea or constipation that are not conducive to our normal life. It will also bring great trouble to our life and threaten our body. healthy

1. How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements? If it is in this number, it means that the gut is very healthy

How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements
How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

I believe that the first thing many young male friends do when they wake up in the morning is to light a cigarette, pick up their mobile phones and run to the toilet, because they are smoking and defecation, it is really very comfortable, and they can also have time to watch videos.

Under normal circumstances, there is no correct answer for defecation on the market at all, but the number of defecations and changes in the defecation cycle are also affected by the individual’s physical constitution and diet, so there is no standard answer. Everyone is to judge and implement.

As the elderly group grows older, all internal organs, stomach, and tract organs in the body will gradually decline, and constipation is also commonplace, because long-term constipation is a dangerous existence for the body, and constipation is more likely to induce old age. Dementia.

Moreover, due to the continuous increase in the number of defecations, the excrement in the body is too hard and difficult to discharge. Because the various functions of the elderly are in a state of decline, anal fissure bleeding will be caused at this time. If the number of defecations per week is less than three times, Basically the doctor will judge them to be constipated.

How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements
How many times a day should a normal person have bowel movements

And some young people go to the toilet once a day, but there are also many people who will only have a bowel movement for 3-4 days because of long-term sitting, but this does not mean that there will be diseases in the body, but everyone’s digestive system and physical fitness are completely They are not the same, so they cannot be discussed together.

I believe that everyone has experienced constipation, and constipation has no age, but it has a certain relationship with their eating habits and behavior habits.

2. What is the most normal frequency of bowel movements?

 What is the most normal frequency of bowel movements?
What is the most normal frequency of bowel movements?

The normal frequency of defecation is based on the fact that when everyone defecates, there is no obvious discomfort, the frequency of defecation has a certain stability, and it will not cause many people to experience sudden changes, and it will not bring very serious problems to their lives. Impact.

Under this premise, defecation within one to three days is a normal clinical manifestation. If you find that your defecation frequency and frequency have other states and irregularities, it means that your gastrointestinal tract has appeared. abnormal.

3. When is the best time to defecate?

3.1. After getting up in the morning

After getting up in the morning, defecation is a habit of many young men. In fact, this habit is better in daily life. After getting up in the morning, it is the best time to defecate.

Many traditional medicine believe that when people wake up from sleep, the gastrointestinal tract in the body will gradually open, which is some food residues that are repaired and peristaltic in the gastrointestinal tract at night, and will be excreted due to the formation of defecation.

Defecation in the morning can make the body cooler, and at the same time, it can keep people awake, and it can also help people’s mental state of the day. It can also make people relaxed and welcome the new day in the best state.

3.2. Before going to bed at night

Having a bowel movement before going to bed at night is also a very good time to defecate, and this time period has enough time for defecation, so it can also make the faeces and waste products in the gastrointestinal tract clearer.

If feces stay in the intestines for a long time, it will lead to a lot of toxins and waste products, wandering in the intestines will make the gastrointestinal tract mistaken for nutrients to be absorbed and utilized again, so people are very easy to break out on the forehead at this time. , and even induce some gastrointestinal diseases.

Therefore, when everyone defecates before going to bed at night, it is conducive to the excretion of toxins behind the scenes of the garbage dump, and at the same time, it can allow people to enter the sleep stage in the best state, and it is also beneficial to increase their sleep quality.

4. What are the foods that promote bowel movements?

4.1. Berries

What are the foods that promote bowel movements?
What are the foods that promote bowel movements?

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. are all common nuts in daily life. Nuts are a kind of food with very high water and dietary fiber content and vitamin content. Eating more nuts can help increase dietary fiber intake. , can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, and can protect the water in the intestinal tract, can moisten the intestines and relieve constipation.

4.2. Nuts

There are many young women who like to sit on the sofa while watching the drama, eating nuts while watching the clips in the TV series. It is really very comfortable. Common nuts include peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, almonds, etc. These nuts are rich in dietary fiber, and moderate intake is helpful for laxatives.

Moreover, nuts also contain high fat, which has a lubricating effect on laxatives and can help the elderly and young sedentary people to improve their constipation state, but due to the high calorie content of nuts, women who are losing weight Be sure to eat less.

4.3. Dried fruit

Dried water and fire is often caught by many women as a snack to eat. Common ones are prunes, dried, dried apricots, raisins, dried figs, etc. These natural dried fruits have a good therapeutic and auxiliary effect on constipation.

What are the foods that promote bowel movements?
What are the foods that promote bowel movements?

These natural dried fruits are not only rich in calcium and potassium, but also rich in dietary fiber, which can help everyone to relieve constipation. Among them, prunes should have the best effect on relieving constipation, because it contains Sorbitol is a natural “stool medicine”.

4.4. Plums

In the hot summer, plums are the dominant venue again. Plums are the best product to effectively relieve constipation. Eating plums has a good therapeutic effect on many stubborn constipation.

What are the foods that promote bowel movements?
What are the foods that promote bowel movements?

The main reason is that there is also a substance in plum skin that stimulates gastrointestinal motility. We must not underestimate its acid. Its acid can stimulate defecation, so people with constipation may wish to try it.

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