Sweet potatoes can eliminate the cancer cells

Sweet potatoes can eliminate the cancer cells

Sweet potatoes should be a kind of food that most people like to eat very much, especially in winter, the streets are full of the sounds of vendors selling roasted sweet potatoes. Eating a piece of fragrant and hot roasted sweet potatoes in cold weather is simply the best. A happy thing. Sweet potatoes can eliminate the cancer cells

Sweet potatoes can eliminate the cancer cells
Sweet potatoes can eliminate the cancer cells

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value. There is also a saying on the Internet that sweet potatoes can fight cancer. It is believed that sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells. Is there any scientific basis for such a statement?

First understand the nutritional value of sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are sweet and rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins and more than 10 kinds of trace elements such as calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Although sweet potatoes are small, their nutritional value and health care effects are very large.

1. Lose weight

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can make you feel full. Eating sweet potatoes as a staple food can reduce the intake of other foods. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in sweet potatoes can also stimulate the intestines, promote peristalsis, and help toxins and garbage in the body. The discharge also has a certain effect of slimming and losing weight.

2. Improve immunity

the nutritional value of sweet potatoes
the nutritional value of sweet potatoes

Although the protein content in sweet potatoes is not high, the amino acid structure is ideal, which can supplement a variety of essential amino acids for the human body. Sweet potatoes also contain glycoproteins and mucoproteins. Glycoproteins have a good anti-mutation effect. Thereby improving the immunity of the body.

3. Auxiliary buck

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium. Potassium and sodium have important effects on blood pressure. Sufficient potassium intake in the human body can promote the excretion of excess sodium in the blood, and also promote the balance of mineral levels in the body. Aids in lowering blood pressure.

4. Delay aging

Sweet potatoes contain an estrogen-like ingredient, which can effectively protect human skin and prevent premature aging of the skin, and the vitamin C content in sweet potatoes is also very high. As an antioxidant, vitamin C can scavenge free radicals and reduce skin. Damage, detoxification and beauty.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is there any evidence? The results of the study have been announced

Although medicine is making continuous progress, there is still no complete solution to cancer, and people are still frightened when they mention cancer. In order to reduce the incidence of cancer, the medical community has been conducting a series of researches on cancer.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is there any evidence
Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is there any evidence

Japanese researchers took 250,000 people as the research object and conducted a 10-year follow-up survey on their eating habits. The final result showed that sweet potatoes have a good effect in preventing and fighting cancer.

The researchers studied the eating habits of local residents, and compared the effect of inhibiting the excretion of cancer cells, sweet potato ranked first, and the study found that sweet potato extract can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells to a certain extent.

Researchers have used sweet potato extracts to conduct relevant experimental studies on mice, which indeed confirmed this statement. Although the experimental results show that sweet potato extracts have certain inhibitory and killing effects on primary cells, animal experiments and human experiments But there is a big difference.

Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is there any evidence
Sweet potatoes can eliminate 98.7% of cancer cells, is there any evidence

In addition, in this experiment, the researchers mainly used extracts from sweet potatoes, and if humans want to achieve the purpose of preventing cancer and anti-cancer, it is difficult to achieve the experimental amount by eating sweet potatoes alone.

If you simply want to eat sweet potatoes to achieve the content of the extract in the experiment, the human body needs to consume a large amount of sweet potatoes, but at this time, it will bring a series of side effects to the human body, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, heartburn, etc., but the gains outweigh the gains.

Therefore, whether sweet potatoes can eliminate cancer cells in the human body remains to be studied.

Prevent cancer by doing these things

1. Don’t drink

Heavy drinking is closely related to the incidence of edema cancers, such as esophageal cancer, breast cancer, laryngeal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer. Even a small amount of alcohol consumption can increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer or lung cancer. Therefore, everyone should try to drink as little as possible at ordinary times, and it is best not to drink.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Prevent cancer by doing these things
Prevent cancer by doing these things

Eating habits can also affect the occurrence of cancer. According to research and analysis, eating more fruits and vegetables can reduce all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Therefore, if you want to prevent cancer, you must eat more fresh vegetables. And fruits, such as figs, apples, etc., are very good choices.

3. Strengthen exercise

Through active exercise, it is possible to imagine a lower risk of breast cancer, stone, bowel cancer and endometrial cancer, especially for people with cancer, through active exercise can effectively reduce the mortality rate of various cancers, so everyone Be sure to go outside for physical exercise more often.

To sum up, excessive alcohol intake, dietary principles, lack of exercise, etc. are all factors that we focus on. To prevent cancer, we must develop good diet and living habits, improve body immunity, and enhance disease resistance.

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