7 signals are given by the body after suffering from diabetes

1, frequent urination

7 signals are given by the body after suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is a very common metabolic disease in my country, and it will quietly affect human health. If people can’t control their blood sugar, there will be many problems in the body. And many people say that if they don’t go to the hospital for special examinations, they can’t tell whether they have diabetes.

7 signals are given by the body after suffering from diabetes
7 signals are given by the body after suffering from diabetes

In fact, when people suffer from diabetes, they can find some clues even if they do not go to the hospital for examination. The human body will give some signals to remind everyone.

The following are some of the signals given by the body after suffering from diabetes.

1, frequent urination

The most obvious symptoms of early diabetes are frequent urination and urgency. Because the glucose level in the blood of diabetic patients is higher, the kidneys will produce more urine in order to reduce the glucose level in the blood, so patients will experience frequent urination symptoms.

1, frequent urination
1, frequent urination

Therefore, when a patient has symptoms of frequent urination, if it is not due to an overactive bladder or an enlarged prostate in men, it is very likely to be suffering from diabetes.

2, thirst

In addition to frequent urination, people with diabetes often experience thirst symptoms. Because frequent urination causes rapid loss of water in the body, patients often experience thirst.

2, thirst
2, thirst

If you find that you drink more water than usual, but still feel thirsty all the time, you may have diabetes.

3. Unexplained weight loss

A lot of people really want to lose weight, but weight loss for no reason is not necessarily a good thing. When the body’s blood sugar is high and there is more urine, the body’s cells may lose weight because there is not enough glucose.

3. Unexplained weight loss
3. Unexplained weight loss

In addition, frequent urination is also likely to cause the loss of body heat and cause weight loss. So don’t be too happy when you’re eating normally and losing weight without exercising because you may have diabetes.

4. Increase hunger

Some people with diabetes have symptoms of insulin resistance, which means they can’t use insulin to help them use up glucose in their bodies.

As we all know, the secretion of insulin is controlled by the brain. When the glucose content in the human blood is high, the brain will promote the secretion of insulin. Therefore, the human body will easily feel hungry.

5. Foot pain and numbness

If blood sugar remains high, the human body is vulnerable to a certain degree of damage. Some people may show no signs of damage, while others may experience numbness in their limbs.

5. Foot pain and numbness
5. Foot pain and numbness

This condition often first appears in the feet of the person, and then gradually appears in other parts of the body. Therefore, when you find that your feet are often sore or numb, you need to be careful whether you are suffering from diabetes.

6. itchy skin

Diabetes is basically inseparable from high blood sugar, and high blood sugar can easily lead to dry and itchy skin. Some patients even develop skin problems such as fungal infections and folliculitis.

6. itchy skin
6. itchy skin

If there is no cure in the long term, the patient needs to pay more attention, because it means that you may develop diabetes.

7. Decreased vision

People with diabetes often also have problems with vision loss. Because the rapid changes in human blood sugar will make the muscles of the human eye can not adapt, resulting in decreased vision. However, when the human body adapts to this change, vision can gradually recover.

7. Decreased vision
7. Decreased vision

The above are some of the signals that the body will give after suffering from diabetes. In addition, people with diabetes may experience moodiness and slow wound healing.

In daily life, if you find yourself in the above-mentioned situations, you need to be careful, because you may be suffering from diabetes, and you need to find a way to lower your blood sugar.

Also, Read www.watchhindi.in

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