What are the Symptoms of blood clots in our body?

1. Syncope

What are the Symptoms of blood clots in our body. If the human body is likened to a city, the blood vessels are the highways in it. The blood is transported to various parts of the body through a road.

When the traffic is smooth, blood circulation is unobstructed, and the human body will be healthy and unimpeded. And when traffic is blocked, blood flow stagnates. At this time, the human body is likely to have various problems.

From the clinical medical data shown in recent years, blood vessel blockage is usually related to thrombosis. Therefore, it is very important to know the relevant signs before the advent of thrombosis, which is helpful for people to take relevant preventive measures and reduce harm to the body.

The clues of blood clots
The clues of blood clots

The clues of blood clots

1. Syncope

When a blood clot is imminent, or when a blood clot first appears. Patients often experience syncope, especially when they wake up in the morning, and the probability of syncope is higher.

If the patient has underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, the phenomenon of syncope will be more serious. In general, the more syncope, the greater the chance a person will develop a blood clot.

1. Syncope
1. Syncope

2. Red streaks on the skin

Once a blood clot occurs in the deep veins of the human body, in most cases, red streaks appear on the patient’s skin, and the color is often similar to bruising. It can be clearly felt when touched by hand, and the skin where the red streaks appear has a warm feeling.

3. Slurred speech

Slurred speech is one of the most common signs of cerebral thrombosis. This symptom generally occurs in middle-aged and elderly people.

3. Slurred speech
3. Slurred speech

4. Walking obstacle

The appearance of a thrombus will hinder the blood flow of people’s feet. In severe cases, it may spread upward to people’s legs. At this time, people’s bodies may frequently experience symptoms such as limb numbness.

If left untreated, swelling and difficulty walking may develop. In extremely severe cases, the legs and feet will also experience waxy white skin and weak pulse, which may threaten people’s lives.

5. Abnormal chest

5. Abnormal chest
5. Abnormal chest

Once a thrombus occurs in a branch or main trunk of a person’s pulmonary artery and is not treated in time, it may cause a large area of ​​pulmonary infarction. This can eventually lead to discomforts such as chest pain and chest tightness and shortness of breath.

How to “thrombosis switch”?

Blood clots not only bring the common symptoms mentioned above but can also lead to other critical situations in the body, such as sudden precordial pain and difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and prevent this disease as soon as possible.

How to "thrombosis switch"?
How to “thrombosis switch”?

There is often a “thrombectomy switch” in the human body. Once it is opened, the blood vessels of the person can be more open, thereby preventing thrombosis.

This “thrombectomy switch” exists on people’s feet. If you insist on a massage every day, you can remove the garbage in the blood vessels. So how do you turn this switch on?

How to "thrombosis switch"?
How to “thrombosis switch”?

For example, if you insist on lifting your feet for a few minutes every day, you can effectively move the ankle joints of the human body, thus acting like a pump to promote blood circulation in the lower extremities and effectively prevent thrombosis. This movement has a special term in medicine, which is called ankle pump exercise.

Ankle Pump Exercise Notes!

When doing this action, be careful not to tighten your thighs too much, otherwise, it will be easy to cramp. And you must inhale frequently, and when you inhale, the toes should be raised, facing the direction of the person’s face. After holding for a few seconds, straighten and lower.

After that, stretch your feet with all your strength until you feel soreness in your feet, and then use the ankle joint as a node to perform a large rotation and circle.

Ankle Pump Exercise Notes!
Ankle Pump Exercise Notes!

Of course, if you want to prevent blood clots better, it is not enough to do one action every day. People also need to pay attention to controlling their diet, exercise more, and drink more water, which greatly promotes blood circulation in the body and reduces the accumulation of garbage on the blood vessel walls. This can effectively ensure the health of blood vessels and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Also, Read www.watchhindi.in

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