8 Cause of lower back pain

1. Cervical spine disease

8 Cause of lower back pain. In life, some people always feel back pain in normal times, especially long-term sedentary office workers.

At this time, some people simply thought that they would get better after a period of rest, so they did not pay attention to it, but they did not know that the back was inexplicably painful, and it was closely related to the following reasons. the best time for treatment.

8 Cause of lower back pain
8 Cause of lower back pain

1. Cervical spine disease

Clinical survey data show that back pain is also one of the typical symptoms when cervical spine disease occurs; because after the formation of inflammatory lesions in the cervical spine, the muscles are in a state of tension and fatigue, and the neck muscles are connected with the erector spine of the back. Together, they will eventually cause back pain problems.

1. Cervical spine disease
1. Cervical spine disease

2. Kidney problems

When it comes to the symptoms of back pain, presumably everyone does not associate it with the kidneys, but relevant survey data show that after the kidney function is reduced or damaged, pain may also appear.

2. Kidney problems
2. Kidney problems

The reason is that the kidneys and back muscles of the human body are similar. Once the kidneys are abnormal, it will cause back pain. Especially for male friends, if you don’t pay attention to exercise on weekdays, the function of the spleen is weak, and it is more likely to have low back pain and fatigue.

3. Abdominal disease

Abdominal diseases mainly refer to enteritis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. As for why abdominal diseases can cause back pain symptoms because gastrointestinal function declines, the speed of food digestion slows down.

3. Abdominal disease
3. Abdominal disease

Especially the appearance of gastric ulcer disease is easy to cause the problem of acid reflux and belching. While causing abdominal pain, it will also stimulate the retroperitoneal plexus, eventually causing the symptoms of back pain.

4. Internal organs problems

As we all know, the human body has multiple organs such as the lungs, liver, heart, etc. If no protective measures are taken, problems will easily occur. For example, after the liver and gallbladder function declines, biliary colic will occur, and biliary colic will extend to the Abs and back.

4. Internal organs problems
4. Internal organs problems

5. Frozen shoulder

For long-term sedentary office workers, if there is a recent grief problem, it is likely to be caused by a frozen shoulder, and the incentives for a frozen shoulder are closely related to daily habits, such as overwork, not paying attention to keeping warm, etc.

6. Chest disease

According to the results of clinical investigation, the occurrence of breast hyperplasia may also cause pain in the scapula.

6. Chest disease
6. Chest disease

7. Influence of trauma

For people who do manual labor, bumps and bumps are inevitable in daily life, and if they accidentally touch the back or shoulders, it will also cause back pain symptoms.

8. Tumor

The most serious cause of back pain is malignant tumors, such as rectal cancer, lung cancer, bone tumor, etc., and most of the back pain caused by tumors has persistent characteristics, especially at night, the pain is more obvious.

8. Tumor
8. Tumor

All in all, when you have the symptoms of back pain, you must pay great attention, because there are many factors that lead to this result, in addition to the most common frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis, it also includes visceral diseases, tumor abdominal diseases, etc.

Also Read www.watchhindi.in

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