What are the Four precautions for urticaria

3. Infectious factors

What are the Four precautions for urticaria? Urticaria is a very common skin disease, and the probability of Chinese people suffering from urticaria is about 23%.

Once sick, the patient’s local skin will appear with some wheels, as well as angioedema, accompanied by severe itching, which will bring more pain to the patient.

Although urticaria is not contagious, the healing process is relatively long, and it is easy to recur, which has a great impact on health. Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job of preventing urticaria.

What are the Four precautions for urticaria?
What are the Four precautions for urticaria?

what are the causes of urticaria?

1. The dietary factors

There are many reasons for suffering from urticaria, generally speaking, it is related to food factors. For example, in daily life, many people are allergic to animal proteins, such as shellfish, eggs, fish, shrimp, and so on.

The animal protein contained in these foods is very rich, which can provide more energy support for the human body, but it is also easy to become an allergen. Excessive intake can cause hives.

1. The dietary factors
1. The dietary factors

There are also many people who are allergic to some food additives, such as salicylates, sulfites, or toluates. If you eat foods rich in these additives, you are also prone to hives.

Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job in dietary conditioning, and not consume too many highly processed foods rich in additives.

Otherwise, it will not only cause allergies but also lead to abnormal metabolism and digestive system, which will cause severe allergic reactions and induce urticaria.

2. The contact factor

If in daily life, long-term exposure to some animal hair, pollen, willow catkins, etc., there will be a severe allergic reaction on the skin, resulting in urticaria.

In addition, if you inhale some animal dander, dust mites, dust, cigarette smoke and some other volatile chemicals for a long time. These inhalants enter the body through the respiratory tract and release some chemical mediators with inflammatory activity in the body.

2. The contact factor
2. The contact factor

As a result, the blood vessels dilate, and the vascular permeability increases, resulting in a series of allergic symptoms in the skin. Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job of improving the living environment. Be sure to actively open the windows every day for ventilation, and you need to clean the room frequently to avoid any allergens.

3. Infectious factors

Another cause of urticaria is infection with viruses, bacteria, and parasites or fungi.

For example, when infected with hepatitis virus, viral upper respiratory tract virus, or Coxsackie virus, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., it will also cause allergic reactions in the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory tract, which will induce the appearance of urticaria.

3. Infectious factors
3. Infectious factors

4. Mental factors

For people who have been in excessive stress, depression, anxiety, anger, or long-term mood swings for a long time, the probability of suffering from urticaria is many times higher than that of other groups.

Due to the long-term appearance of some bad emotions, it will seriously affect the endocrine of the human body, resulting in a rapid decline in immune function, which will increase the risk of urticaria.

4. Mental factors
4. Mental factors

All in all, there are many reasons for suffering from urticaria. In addition to the above four factors, if you are exposed to excessive sunlight, or are attacked by cold air, the living environment is too humid, and you have some immune system diseases for a long time, Or long-term use of penicillin and sulfonamides can also induce urticaria.

So, if you want to avoid urticaria, you must avoid the above factors. For patients suffering from urticaria, it is necessary to take scientific and standardized treatment to quickly relieve some of the uncomfortable symptoms caused by urticaria. It can also prevent the recurrence of urticaria, which affects the health of the patient.

Also, Read www.watchhindi.in

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