What foods to avoid if you have Acne

What foods to avoid if you have folliculitis

What foods to avoid if you have Acne? Folliculitis is an inflammatory skin disease, most often caused by fungal infections of the skin. When the inflammation occurs, the patient’s skin hair follicles will grow a lot of red papules, and pustules, accompanied by itching and pain.

What foods to avoid if you have folliculitis
What foods to avoid if you have folliculitis

If the disease is relatively mild, it may heal on its own. If the disease develops more seriously, some patients will have systemic symptoms such as soft tissue infection and pus, and the disease is not easy to be based on. If you are not careful, it may recur.

In order to avoid this from happening, the patient needs to actively cooperate with the treatment and at the same time strengthen the control on the diet.

Stay Away from these 5 food if you have an acne problem

1. Fried food

After the food is fried at a high temperature, it not only loses its own nutrition but also may cause the body to get angry after entering the human body.

Patients with folliculitis should avoid fried foods such as steak, fried chicken, and barbecue as much as possible during the flare-up, so as to prevent inflammatory cells from becoming redder, swollen, itchy, and tingling after being stimulated again.

1. Fried food
1. Fried food

2, spicy, stimulating food

After spicy food enters the human body, it will cause serious stimulation to the stomach and intestines, and at the same time, it will also stimulate the secretion of oil, causing the body to become more humid and hot.

Most patients with folliculitis have a damp-heat constitution. If they still eat a lot of spicy and irritating foods such as hot pot, barbecue, and malatang during the illness, it will aggravate the damp-heat, spread inflammatory factors, and make the disease worse. getting more and more serious.

2, spicy, stimulating food
2, spicy, stimulating food

3. Warm and dry food

Foods such as mutton, beef, deer antler, and donkey-hide gelatin are all supplements, which can help the body to invigorate kidney yang and activate qi and blood.

After suffering from folliculitis, patients should avoid eating these foods as much as possible, so as not to cause the heat toxin in the body to become more severe, which will affect the recovery of folliculitis after the aggravation of damp heat.

3. Warm and dry food
3. Warm and dry food

4, greasy food

Many people think that eating nourishing food can help them recover better when they are sick, but this is not the case. If folliculitis patients eat too much oil during treatment, it will stimulate local hair follicle inflammation.

4, greasy food
4, greasy food

In order to prevent this from happening, try to avoid overeating greasy food such as various animal offal and animal skins, and choose some vegetables and fruits that are light in taste and can clear away heat and dampness, so as to promote the recovery of the disease.

5. Sweets

Patients with folliculitis should try to avoid eating sweets such as cake, bread, chocolate, candy, etc., because eating too many sweets will not only increase the risk of obesity;

It may also lead to an increase in the secretion of oil, which is more likely to block the pores, increase the risk of folliculitis purulent infection, and make the condition recur, and it is not easy to be completely cured.

5. Sweets
5. Sweets

Folliculitis patients usually try to avoid eating the above 5 types of food. You can usually eat more foods rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, and trace elements;

When making food, it is necessary to control the amount of oil and salt and keep its light taste, so as not to stimulate the stomach after eating, increase the secretion of oil, and make folliculitis more serious.

In addition, the patient should also take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs to treat folliculitis as prescribed by the doctor. If local itching is unbearable, topical anti-itching and anti-inflammatory ointments can be used to improve the condition, so as to avoid repeatedly scratching the affected area with hands, which will make the condition worse. more serious.

Also, Read www.watchhindi.in

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