Why does tonsillitis Occur

Why does tonsillitis Occur

Why does tonsillitis Occur? I believe that many people have had tonsil inflammation. Tonsil inflammation mainly refers to the inflammation of the tonsils. These appearances are caused by some external factors and their own negligence;

According to the severity of the disease, it can be divided into acute tonsil inflammation and chronic tonsil inflammation. Once you have tonsil inflammation, the most common symptom is tonsil swelling and pain. In severe cases, it may lead to vomiting, fever, etc. We should find the cause in time and accept it. treat.

Why does tonsillitis Occur
Why does tonsillitis Occur

So, why does tonsillitis occur? It may be related to these 5 factors, you may wish to understand.

Long-term smoking and drinking

Long-term smoking and excessive drinking can not only damage our lungs and stomach but also make the tonsils and throat prone to inflammation because there are some harmful substances in smoking and alcohol;

Long-term smoking and drinking
Long-term smoking and drinking

These harmful substances can irritate the area around the throat to a certain extent, causing this area to become extremely sensitive, bacteria can grow in these areas over time, and if left untreated, it can lead to inflammation of the tonsils.

Decreased immunity

Decreased immunity can also easily make our tonsils inflamed. If you have bad living habits, such as staying up late to play on mobile phones, it may lead to a rapid decline in your own immunity;

When the body is vulnerable, these viruses and bacteria can use a certain space to enter your body, causing inflammation in the throat, tonsils, and other parts of the body.

Decreased immunity
Decreased immunity

Therefore, in our daily life, we must develop good living habits. It is best to set a normal work and rest time and try to stay up late as little as possible.

Eat spicy food

If you eat a lot of spicy food, or hot food such as barbecue can also cause tonsil inflammation, over time, this may also cause symptoms such as cough and dry, itchy throat.

Eat spicy food
Eat spicy food

Therefore, in order to protect your tonsils, you should try to eat less of these unhealthy foods as much as possible, drink more water every day, and eat more foods rich in vitamins, which can avoid tonsil inflammation.


Don’t think that the tonsils of normal people will not have microorganisms. In fact, even healthy tonsils will have a large number of microorganisms, but these microorganisms generally do not cause diseases;


Because our human body itself has strong resistance, unless your resistance is very poor, and if you don’t pay attention to the tonsils, it will create good conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, which will further lead to the occurrence of diseases.

The cause of the disease

People suffering from cold or other diseases will cause tonsil inflammation, so if there is any disease in the body, we should go to the hospital for targeted treatment in time, so as not to delay the best time to treat the disease;

Cause other adverse symptoms, such as your body has a fever, if it is not treated in time, it will cause our tonsils to become inflamed, or even more serious.

The cause of the disease
The cause of the disease

These are common causes of tonsil inflammation, although tonsil inflammation does not do much harm to the body, so many people don’t pay much attention to the health of the tonsils. If the disease is not treated, it will continue to worsen, and it will also lead to chronic tonsil inflammation, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, once you find that your tonsils are inflamed, you should carry out targeted treatment in time.

Also Read www.watchhindi.in

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