Avoid 6 food if you have fatty liver, foods to avoid with fatty liver

Avoid these 6 food if you have fatty liver

Avoid 6 food if you have fatty liver, foods to avoid with fatty liver. With the gradual improvement of living conditions, people eat better and better food, so some diseases such as fatty liver are more likely to occur. Fatty liver is a very common abnormal liver disease caused by excessive accumulation of lipids in liver cells in the body.

Under normal circumstances, mild fatty liver can be reversed. After early diagnosis, as long as you actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, liver function can gradually return to normal.

Avoid these 6 food if you have fatty liver
Avoid this 6 food if you have fatty liver

Most fatty liver disease is related to the daily diet. If you want your liver function to return to normal, you need to adjust your eating habits.

what principles should the diet of patients with fatty liver follow?

1. Don’t eat animal viscera and greasy fat

1. Don't eat animal viscera and greasy fat
1. Don’t eat animal viscera and greasy fat

Patients with fatty liver need to be careful not to eat some foods with high cholesterol and high fat, such as animal skin and viscera and fatty meat. These foods will lead to excessive intake of fat in the body, resulting in hyperlipidemia and aggravating fatty liver. Happening.

2. Drink less or no broth

The broth has few nutrients, high calories, and a lot of fat, which will affect the recovery of fatty liver. If you like soup, you can choose and some vegetable soup or mushroom soup.

3. Coarse grains and refined grains

Coarse grains can be stored in the stomach for a long time, which can delay the speed of food emptying from the body, bring a certain sense of satiety, thereby reducing the intake of other foods, and can control food intake throughout the day. total input.

3. Coarse grains and refined grains
3. Coarse grains and refined grains

But you can’t just eat whole grains, you need to match the thickness. Also, don’t eat some high-sugar foods, because high-sugar foods are very high in calories.

4. Quit drinking

Alcohol will damage the cells of the liver, resulting in a gradual increase of transaminase in the body. Although alcohol is not rich in fat, because it contains very high calories, it will induce obesity and accelerate the development of a fatty liver. In addition, patients with fatty liver should not drink alcoholic beverages or carbonated beverages.

4. Quit drinking
4. Quit drinking

5. Don’t drink tea immediately after eating big fish and meat

Some people like to drink tea immediately after consuming high-fat and high-protein foods, thinking that this can relieve oiliness, but this is wrong.

The tannic acid rich in tea will synthesize a tannic acid protein that is not easily absorbed by the human body with protein, which will slow down the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and cause constipation.

5. Don’t drink tea immediately after eating big fish and meat
5. Don’t drink tea immediately after eating big fish and meat

The accumulation of a lot of carcinogens and toxic substances in the body will gradually increase the detoxification and metabolic burden of the liver and have a certain toxic effect on the liver, which will aggravate the condition of fatty liver.

6. Drink some low-fat milk

The nutritional value of milk is very high, and rich in protein and calcium, try to choose to skim milk when drinking milk;

Because skimmed milk does not contain fat, it can supplement the nutrients needed by the body. In addition, vegetable oil should be used instead of animal oil in life, and the intake should be controlled at about 20 grams per day.

6. Drink some low-fat milk
6. Drink some low-fat milk

It can be seen from the above introduction that if patients with fatty liver want to restore their liver function to normal, they must pay attention to adjusting their eating habits.

In addition, patients with fatty liver should consume 500 grams of vegetables and 200 grams of fruits every day, and try not to eat root vegetables, because root vegetables are rich in starch and high in energy, which is easy to aggravate the situation of fatty liver.

In addition, eat more whole grains and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, which can help the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and make the stool smooth.

Also, Read www.watchhindi.in

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