What is the cause of bad smell in Old people, Adult people, Young

2. Urinary tract disease

What is the cause of bad smell in Old people, Adult people, Young For the elderly, it is easy to emit an unpleasant odor called the smell of the elderly? There are many reasons for the smell of the elderly. Generally speaking, it is related to factors such as poor personal hygiene, poor environmental hygiene conditions, and some bad eating habits of the elderly.

However, as long as the elderly pay attention to personal hygiene and adjust their diet, the phenomenon of elderly taste will be alleviated a little.

However, if sanitation factors are excluded, repeated and severe old-fashioned smell still occurs, which is generally due to some diseases.

What is the cause of bad smell in Old people
What is the cause of bad smell in Old people

What is the cause of bad smells in old people?

1. Gastrointestinal diseases

For the elderly, their gastrointestinal function is already in a state of decline. If there are some bad eating habits at this time, such as overeating, or like to eat too much greasy, high-salt, high-sugar food, the probability of suffering from various gastrointestinal diseases will be very high.

Once suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, the function of digesting food will be rapidly reduced. After food enters the stomach, because it cannot be digested quickly, food accumulation will occur.

1. Gastrointestinal diseases
1. Gastrointestinal diseases

Food will be fermented in the stomach, and a lot of gas will be produced, and the gas will be excreted through the mouth, causing serious bad breath in the elderly.

Moreover, due to the reduction of digestive and metabolic functions, the body’s antioxidant capacity will also decline, which will cause the body to emit a very obvious odor.

2. Urinary tract disease

For the elderly with a series of urinary tract diseases, the body often emits an unpleasant odor, such as urine odor or foul odor.

For example, when suffering from urethritis or cystitis, due to the stimulation of inflammation, the elderly will discharge urine with a yellow color and a strong odor.

2. Urinary tract disease
2. Urinary tract disease

Pain, urgency, and frequent urination may also occur during urination. As a result, the elderly will emit a distinct odor.

For elderly men, if they have prostatitis, urinary tract infection will occur, which will cause a lot of bacteria and inflammatory factors in the urine, and the urine with a heavy smell will be excreted.

Once these elderly people do not do a good job of hygiene, they will always exude an unpleasant odor on their bodies.

3. Liver disease

Once the elderly suffer from some liver diseases, the body’s detoxification function will decline, and excessive toxins will accumulate in the body.

These toxins will enter various organs and systems in the body with the blood circulation, and many toxins will be excreted through sweat.

Moreover, due to the decline of the metabolic function in the body, some proteins cannot be metabolized normally, resulting in the increase of ammonia in the body, which will make the elderly emit a distinct smell of rotten apples.

3. Liver disease
3. Liver disease

4. Diabetes

Many diabetic patients will also emit a more obvious odor, and due to diabetes, kidney function will be damaged.

Once the renal function declines, it will cause a series of urinary tract problems, and it is easy to cause a smell of urine in the elderly.

Moreover, due to the high blood sugar, the concentration of ketoacid in the body of the elderly will rise linearly, and it will also cause a serious odor on the body.

4. Diabetes
4. Diabetes

All in all, for the elderly, the reason for the repeated appearance of old-fashioned smell is closely related to the above four diseases. In addition, if the elderly suffer from some oral diseases, it will also cause more obvious body odor and bad breath.

Therefore, for the elderly, in addition to paying attention to personal hygiene and indoor environmental hygiene, once the smell of the elderly appears repeatedly and is accompanied by some other uncomfortable symptoms, it is necessary to quickly go to the regular hospital for treatment and treatment. It can not only eliminate the smell of old people but also protect your own health.

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