Why are more and more elderly people infected with AIDS? 2 old people in their 60s tell the truth

No. 2 protagonist: Aunt Zhang, 63 years old

No. 1 protagonist: Uncle Chen, 65 years old

The 65-year-old Uncle Chen’s wife died early, and his child has been working in other places. He can be said to be a standard empty-nest old man. Uncle Chen has always had symptoms of bronchitis. Some time ago, he always felt throat discomfort. The medicine didn’t help either. Why are more and more elderly people infected with AIDS

1 protagonist: Uncle Chen, 65 years old
1 protagonist: Uncle Chen, 65 years old

In addition, there were symptoms of chest pain and fever. I thought it was caused by a cold and I didn’t care too much, but the condition became more and more serious. It was not until it was unbearable that I called a female friend and asked her to take herself to the hospital. , After a series of examinations, it was found that Uncle Chen was suffering from AIDS.

No. 2 protagonist: Aunt Zhang, 63 years old

Aunt Zhang was 63 years old and her husband died of illness. Later, with the help of a friend, she met Uncle Yang, a 60-year-old widow who lived alone. The two fell in love and quickly lived together. Because they were menopausal, they didn’t need to worry about pregnancy, so every time they had sex Don’t use condoms.

No. 2 protagonist: Aunt Zhang, 63 years old
No. 2 protagonist: Aunt Zhang, 63 years old

Suddenly one day, Uncle Yang told Aunt Zhang with a very ugly face that his ex-girlfriend had AIDS and was in critical condition. The aunt was also infected.

Why are more and more elderly people infected with AIDS?

I believe that most people will be confused when they see this question. In people’s inherent impression, AIDS is only diagnosed by young people. In fact, this kind of thinking is very one-sided. There is no age limit for AIDS patients. The gray-haired elderly are all susceptible groups, so why are more and more elderly people suffering from AIDS in recent years?

Why are more and more elderly people infected with AIDS?
Why are more and more elderly people infected with AIDS?

1. Weak immune function

With the increase of age, the immune and cell functions in the human body gradually decline, and the elderly have poor resistance to viruses, and are more likely to be infected after exposure to HIV.

2. Physiological changes

The physiological functions of the elderly have also undergone a series of changes. For example, after the menopause of the elderly women, the ovaries atrophy, the secretion of estrogen decreases, the epithelium of the reproductive tract becomes thinner, the secretion of atrophy mucus decreases, and it is more likely to be damaged during intercourse, which also increases infection. HIV opportunity.

3. Obese

Some elderly people are fat, and the skin of the perineum is kept in a warm and humid environment for a long time, which is more conducive to the growth and reproduction of the virus, and after being infected with AIDS, the skin lesions of such patients are usually diffuse. , can be combined into a film.

4. Not paying attention to hygiene

Most of the elderly do not pay attention to the hygiene of their private parts. Sharing daily necessities is the main cause of virus infection, such as public towels, bath tubs, toilets, toiletries, etc. Once a family member is infected with HIV, it is very easy to Infect the elderly with whom it is shared.

5. Not understanding symptoms

The vast majority of elderly people are not familiar with AIDS, let alone the symptoms. Even if they are already infected with HIV, due to the long incubation period, the symptoms are not particularly obvious. Even if they have abnormal symptoms, they will be regarded as other diseases. Complications, such as colds, go unnoticed and lead to aggravation.

The initial symptoms and manifestations of AIDS

Some patients have no clinical symptoms at the initial stage of HIV infection, but most of them may develop clinical symptoms caused by HIV viremia and acute damage to the immune system 6 days to 6 weeks after HIV infection. The initial symptoms of AIDS mainly include:

The initial symptoms and manifestations of AIDS
The initial symptoms and manifestations of AIDS
  1. Persistent extensive lymphadenopathy, especially cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymph nodes. The swollen lymph nodes are about 1 cm in diameter, firm, painless, and movable for more than three months.
  2. Unexplained fever and night sweats for several weeks.
  3. Severe, unexplainable fatigue for several weeks.
  4. Loss of appetite, and weight loss exceeds 10% of original body weight within two months.
  5. Chronic diarrhea of ​​unknown cause for several weeks, watery, more than 10 times a day.
  6. shortness of breath, dry cough for several weeks.
  7. Flat or raised pink or purple-red spots appear on the skin and mouth, which are neither painful nor itchy.
  8. Pharynx, larynx appeared albuginea. Male genitals have scaly plaques and itching; female anal itching, vaginal itching, and leucorrhea are mostly treated by gynecological diseases for a long time.
  9. Headache, blurred vision can not find other causes. To sum up, you can test yourself according to your actual situation.
The initial symptoms and manifestations of AIDS
The initial symptoms and manifestations of AIDS

To sum up, you can test yourself according to your actual situation. If you have more than three symptoms and have high-risk behaviors, you must go to the hospital for examination in time to rule out the disease as soon as possible.

How to prevent AIDS?

Self-love and compliance with sexual ethics are the fundamental measures to prevent the transmission of AIDS through sexual transmission.
Correct use of condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of HIV infection and STDs.
Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions, injections, use of unsafe tooth extractions and cosmetic procedures without strictly sterilized appliances, etc., and use blood and blood products that have been tested for HIV antibodies.
Early treatment and cure of STDs can reduce the risk of HIV infection.

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