Cerebral infarction “accelerator” or find out, not just tobacco and alcohol, doctor: these 3 kinds of food, stay away as soon as possible

Cerebral infarction "accelerator" or find out

Cerebral infarction, also known as ischemic stroke, is the dysfunction of blood in the brain caused by various reasons, causing local irreversible damage to brain tissue, resulting in ischemic necrosis of brain tissue. Cerebral infarction “accelerator” or find out

Nowadays, cerebral infarction has caused great harm to patients. Among them, 80% of patients with cerebral infarction are caused by cerebral infarction, and cerebral infarction has a very high recurrence rate, which can make patients disabled or even die.

Cerebral infarction "accelerator" or find out
Cerebral infarction “accelerator” or find out

Cerebral infarction is a major disease affecting health in my country, and its fatality rate has become the third after myocardial infarction and cancer. The appearance of cerebral infarction not only brings great inconvenience to the life of the patients and reduces the quality of life of the patients, but also brings a great burden to the families of the patients and has a significant economic impact on the national medical institutions.

Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?

Smoking and drinking seem to be the standard for people now, especially smoking, it has become an important bridge for communication between people.

Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?
Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?

It is well known that smoking is harmful to health. Most people know that long-term smoking will damage lung health. In fact, cerebral infarction and smoking are also closely related.

Cigarettes contain a large amount of nicotine. In the process of smoking, the smoke will cause certain damage to the intima of blood vessels. Long-term damage will aggravate local vascular sclerosis and increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

In addition, the smoke also contains a certain amount of carbon monoxide. After carbon monoxide enters the human body, it will competitively combine with hemoglobin, resulting in the occurrence or even aggravation of cerebral ischemia and hypoxia symptoms, which not only easily induces cerebral infarction, but also increases Recurrence of cerebral infarction.

All kinds of drinks seem to have become a must on people’s table, and with the continuous development of the economy, there are more and more types of wine, whether it is red wine, beer or white wine, each has its own favorite people.

Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?
Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?

We often say that a small amount of drinking can harm your body, and moderate drinking can promote blood circulation, but if you drink a lot for a long time, it will not only damage the liver health, but also induce cerebral infarction.

After heavy drinking, the blood alcohol concentration peaks in about half an hour. Alcohol can not only directly stimulate the blood vessel wall, making the blood vessels lose elasticity, but also stimulate the liver, promote the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides, and then cause arteriosclerosis. The hardened cerebral blood vessels have weakened elasticity and narrow lumen, which is easy to cause the formation of cerebral thrombosis.

Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?
Can smoking and drinking cause cerebral infarction?

Because alcohol can cause sympathetic excitation, increased cardiac output, and increased release of other vasoconstrictor substances, excessive drinking can cause hypertension, and hypertension is one of the predisposing factors for cerebral infarction.

To sum up, long-term heavy smoking and drinking are more harmful to blood vessels, especially for people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you want to prevent cerebral infarction, you must usually smoke less and drink less. It is best to do Quit smoking and drinking.

Cerebral infarction “accelerator” or find out, not just tobacco and alcohol, doctor: these 3 kinds of food, stay away as soon as possible

1. Fried food

Now people’s living standards are getting higher and higher, and many people have higher-level pursuits in diet, especially fried food, which is not only delicious, but also more convenient and fast, but often eating fried food can also lead to cerebral infarction manifestation occurs.

Fried food
Fried food

Fried food contains a lot of fat. If you eat a lot for a long time, the fat cannot be discharged smoothly. A large amount of accumulation in the blood vessels will cause atherosclerosis to form plaques and lead to stenosis of blood vessels. If the plaques fall off accidentally, it will induce cerebral infarction. .

2. Pickled food

I believe that everyone likes to eat all kinds of pickled pickles and kimchi in normal times. A lot of salt is added to these foods during the production process. The sodium ions contained in salt pose a great threat to the health of blood vessels.

Pickled food
Pickled food

Excessive intake of salt can lead to sodium and water retention, and ultimately increase blood pressure, which is one of the predisposing factors for cerebral infarction. In addition to pickled foods, various seasonings such as soy sauce and bean paste also contain a lot of salt.

3. High-sugar foods

In the diet, if the sugar is too high, it may cause cerebral infarction. After the human body ingests a large amount of sugar, through the body’s metabolism and transformation, it may eventually form blood lipids that are stored in the liver, forming fatty liver, and the liver will release a large amount of blood lipids into the blood, resulting in hyperlipidemia.

High-sugar foods
High-sugar foods

Hyperlipidemia is a high risk factor for cerebral infarction, which will aggravate arteriosclerosis and eventually lead to the onset of cerebral infarction. Secondly, diabetic patients should have a diabetic diet. If the blood sugar increases, it will cause vascular disease, which will eventually aggravate arteriosclerosis and lead to the incidence of cerebral infarction.

Reading extension – prevent cerebral infarction, eat more of these 4 things

1. Kiwi

Kiwifruit contains more than seventeen kinds of amino acids, pectin, tannic acid, citric acid, flavonoids, and a variety of trace elements and vitamins, especially rich in Vc and selenium. Long-term consumption can reduce blood pressure and blood lipids.

2. Strawberry

Strawberry is rich in vitamins and pectin substances, has high clinical value in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and cerebral hemorrhage, and has a certain effect on hypertension.

3. Hawthorn

Hawthorn has the functions of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, softening blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood lipids. It can be used to make tea, cook porridge, and decoction, and it is an excellent food for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Black fungus

Black fungus can reduce blood clots, ease coronary atherosclerosis, and has special benefits for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease.

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