How do I know if my liver is bad, 3 Signs of Bad Liver

How do I know if my liver is bad

How do I know if my liver is bad. My country is a big country with liver disease. Nearly half of the world’s liver disease patients are concentrated in my country, among which hepatitis B, fatty liver and alcoholic liver are the most common. How do I know if my liver is bad

Hepatitis – cirrhosis – liver cancer is called the trilogy of liver cancer. Hepatitis virus infection is the main cause of liver cancer. It is estimated that there are about 90 million hepatitis B virus carriers in my country, of which about 28 million are chronic hepatitis B patients. The HBV-carrying population base provides a hotbed for the ravages of liver cancer.

How do I know if my liver is bad
How do I know if my liver is bad

The liver is an important detoxification and detoxification organ in the body of all people. There are more than 1,500 main physiological functions. The more work you do, the greater the chance of mistakes. The liver is also a very fragile organ. cause liver damage.

However, the liver is a dumb organ, and there is no step-by-step pain-sensing nerve in it. Even if there is a slight abnormality, it will not be known to the human body in time, which leads to a very high incidence and mortality of liver disease in clinical practice.

How do I know if my liver is bad
How do I know if my liver is bad

The internal organs of the human body are all interconnected, especially the liver. When it is abnormal, it will also send early warning signals to other parts of the body. If you find abnormal reactions in other organs of the body, you must be vigilant. This is very likely It is a sign of liver disease, be sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible to check liver function.

Bad liver, Head Prophet? There are these 3 signs on the face, hurry up and check yourself, don’t delay anymore

1. Acne

Acne on the face is a very common physiological phenomenon, especially for adolescents, due to changes in hormone levels, it is more likely to have various acne, pimples, and acne on the face, but some people are also due to pathological reasons. caused.


The liver is the first line of defense for the human body to decompose oil. If the decomposition ability of the liver decreases, it will cause oil to meet inside the liver, which will affect the state of the superficial skin, making the skin greasy, dull, tarnished, and then breakouts.

In addition, when there is a problem with the liver, it will also affect the secretion of hormones in the body, resulting in a decrease in the secretion of hormones and excessive secretion of sebum, thereby causing skin problems such as acne and acne.

2. Yellowing of the skin

In daily life, many people will have the problem of yellowing skin. There are many reasons for the yellowing of the skin, such as long-term overwork, lack of sleep, malnutrition, anemia, etc. If you eat too much orange pumpkin, etc. Food can also cause temporary yellowing of the skin.

Yellowing of the skin
Yellowing of the skin

In addition to non-pathological reasons, poor liver function can also cause yellowing of the skin. This is because liver damage seriously affects the normal progress of liver function, resulting in abnormal metabolic transformation of bilirubin, which makes the bilirubin in the blood. Increased red pigment, yellow skin, yellow urine and other symptoms of jaundice.

There are two main pathological reasons for skin yellowing due to abnormal liver function. One is obstructive jaundice. After indirect bilirubin is converted into direct bilirubin in the liver, the direct bilirubin cannot enter the intestine smoothly due to biliary obstruction. The second is hepatocellular jaundice. When liver cells are damaged due to viral hepatitis, alcohol or drugs, the ability of the liver to process indirect bilirubin and metabolize direct bilirubin is reduced, resulting in jaundice.

3. Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is a skin disease without primary skin damage but only itchy skin, mainly related to skin allergies, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease and other diseases. Liver disease refers to the lesions that occur in the liver, mainly including hepatitis B, hepatitis A, hepatitis C, cirrhosis, steatosis, liver cancer, alcoholic liver and so on.

Itchy Skin
Itchy Skin

There are two main reasons for itchy skin caused by liver disease: high bilirubin and active hepatitis B virus replication. For example, due to long-term heavy drinking in patients with alcoholic liver disease, abnormal liver function affects the normal metabolism of bilirubin, resulting in high bilirubin in the body, which affects the bile salts in bile, and stimulates sensory nerve endings. symptom.

Hepatitis B virus can stimulate the body to produce antibodies, cause antigen and antibody immune responses, lead to the deposition of antigen and antibody immune complexes in capillaries, and induce skin itching symptoms in the body.

Adhere to 2 habits at ordinary times to make the liver healthier

1. Moderate exercise

Moderate exercise
Moderate exercise

We often say that life lies in exercise. Actively participating in physical exercise can not only open up the mind, but also promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, help to expel toxins and garbage from the body, and reduce the burden on the liver.

Especially for people with fatty liver, exercising at ordinary times can promote the decomposition and metabolism of fat, which is conducive to the recovery and improvement of the disease. Everyone should pay attention to the appropriate amount when exercising, and choose a reasonable one according to their actual situation. Exercise methods, such as brisk walking, jogging, and Tai Chi are all very good choices.

2. Work and rest rules

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, 11:00 pm to 3:00 am is the time for the liver to detoxify and detoxify the body. If you have not entered a deep sleep state at this time, toxins and garbage will accumulate in the liver and cannot be excreted from the body, increasing the burden on the liver.

Work and rest rules
Work and rest rules

Therefore, everyone must work and rest regularly, go to bed early, get up early, do not stay up late, and ensure sufficient sleep time. It is recommended that you go to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening and go to sleep at about 11 o’clock in the evening. This can better help the liver to eliminate toxins, Lighten the burden and recharge your batteries.

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