Can’t drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach?

Can I eat eggs on an empty stomach?

In today’s society, as the pace of life continues to accelerate, people’s work pressure is also increasing. After getting up every morning, many office workers hurriedly wash and rush to the company without even eating breakfast. The time was spent in hunger. Can’t drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach

If you maintain an empty stomach for a long time, and the gastric acid secretes a lot, when there is no food for digestion, it will self-digest and corrode the gastric mucosa, which will lead to gastritis, gastric ulcer and other problems in the long run.

Can't drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach
Can’t drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach

The more hungry you are on an empty stomach, the more you need to pay attention to what to eat in the first bite to reduce hunger. There are many foods in daily life that are not suitable for use on an empty stomach, otherwise it will cause different degrees of damage to the stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. , and even cause other symptoms.

1: Can’t drink milk and eat eggs on an empty stomach?

1. Can I drink milk on an empty stomach?

 Can I drink milk on an empty stomach?
Can I drink milk on an empty stomach?

I believe that many people have the habit of drinking a glass of milk on an empty stomach in the morning. Although it looks more nutritious, doctors do not recommend drinking milk on an empty stomach.

Because the proportion of water in milk is relatively large, drinking milk on an empty stomach will dilute gastric acid, affecting digestion and absorption, and the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract will be accelerated when fasting, the time of milk staying in the stomach will be shortened, and the nutrients will be difficult to be absorbed.

In addition, after a whole night of sleep, the stomach has already been emptied, and energy needs to be replenished at this time. If you do not eat the staple food and drink a lot of milk, it will be difficult to obtain the energy required for work and study, and the mental state will also be poor. good.

2. Can I eat eggs on an empty stomach?

 Can I eat eggs on an empty stomach?
Can I eat eggs on an empty stomach?

Generally speaking, eggs are not recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach.

Because eggs are rich in protein and cholesterol, if the gastric mucosa is directly exposed in the fasting state, this situation will easily lead to the secretion of a large amount of gastric acid, and the secretion of a large amount of gastric acid is not conducive to the absorption of protein and cholesterol. Nutritional imbalance.

Especially protein, which can be converted into amino acids in the human body. In the fasting state, due to the massive secretion of gastric acid, the protein is directly digested, and the protein may be directly decomposed into carbohydrates and converted into fats, but it is impossible or rarely converted into amino acids.

In the process of absorption, it is possible to get a nutritional imbalance, so it is generally not recommended to eat eggs on an empty stomach. For the cholesterol in eggs, it is recommended to eat eggs after meals or after eating some other vegetables, fruits, bread, and steamed bread, which will help the absorption of protein.

2: Reminder: What you really need to touch less on an empty stomach are these 3 types of food

1. Persimmon


Because persimmons are rich in tannic acid, eating on an empty stomach is easier to combine with gastric acid, especially if you eat a lot on an empty stomach for a long time, it is easy to form lumps and is not suitable for water.

Gastric stones remain in the stomach for a long time, neither digested nor excreted. As the volume increases, it is easy to be complicated by pyloric obstruction, gastric ulcer, erosive gastritis, and even gastric perforation.

2. Hawthorn


Because when eating hawthorn on an empty stomach, it is easy to produce acidic substances containing organic acids. Fruit acid, maslinic acid, citric acid, etc. will accelerate the secretion of more gastric acid, which will cause great damage to the gastric mucosa at this time. It is also easy to cause abdominal distension and aggravate stomach problems. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating on an empty stomach when eating hawthorn.

If you eat a large amount of hawthorn on an empty stomach, it will cause stomach discomfort. This is because of the discomfort caused by gastric acid, but this situation is temporary, and it will be fine after a period of time. If some people have obvious symptoms, they can take some easily digestible drugs at this time. porridge, or take some antacids, or drugs to protect the gastric mucosa.

3. Grapefruit


Because the stomach secretes more gastric acid on an empty stomach, and the fruit acid content in grapefruit is particularly high, which will strongly stimulate the gastric mucosa and easily cause stomach discomfort, especially for people with cold stomach.

Because grapefruit is a cold food, eating it on an empty stomach will aggravate the cold in the body, and symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting may occur, so try not to eat grapefruit on an empty stomach. You can eat grapefruit 2 hours after a meal, which can promote gastric acid. secretion, can help digestion.

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