Compared with people who drink boiled water for a long time and people who drink tea for a long time, whose body is healthier?

Precautions for drinking tea

Water is the source of life, and people cannot but drink it. Water is an indispensable substance for the formation of cells. Many physiological functions of the human body, such as digestion, absorption, secretion, and excretion, are carried out in the state of aqueous solution. Water or Tea Who is More Healthier

Studies have shown that people can live for months without food, but die within a week if they don’t drink water. Once the body is dehydrated, it not only affects the metabolic rate, but also affects the basic metabolism and operation of the body’s various organs, and the body gradually loses its vitality. Water or Tea Who is More Healthier

Nowadays, people also realize the importance of drinking water. There are many ways to replenish water, such as drinking boiled water, drinking tea, drinking beverages, drinking soup, etc. The most important thing is to drink boiled water and drink tea. So do you know who has better health status than those who drink boiled water for a long time and those who drink tea for a long time?

The benefits of drinking plain water for a long time

1. Clean the stomach

The benefits of drinking plain water for a long time
The benefits of drinking plain water for a long time

Drinking a glass of boiled water after getting up in the morning can effectively reduce the burden on the stomach and liver, help expel the residues in the human body, relieve constipation problems, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and also help reduce weight and help lose weight.

2. Help with hangover

A drunk person drinks a few glasses. After entering the human body, warm water can dilute the alcohol, protect the liver, and compensate for the large amount of water lost due to drunken vomiting. At the same time, drinking some warm water can make the drunk person feel comfortable in the stomach.

3. Ease your emotions

If the body is dehydrated, you will feel fatigued and irritable, and drinking water can settle your mood, buffer your busy work and eliminate stress, and has the effect of mental detoxification.

4. Cancer Prevention

 Cancer Prevention
Cancer Prevention

Because water can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, so that the waste in the intestine can not stay, reducing the chance of carcinogens staying in the intestine, so it can reduce the occurrence of urinary system cancer, such as bladder cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc.

Precautions for drinking boiled water

1. Drink at least 1200ml per day

Because the water that a person needs to flow out of the body every day is 2,500 ml, the water obtained from food is 1,000 ml, and the endogenous water produced by the body’s metabolism is 300 ml, so in order to achieve a balance of in and out, we need to add at least 1,200 ml of water. In addition, after hot weather or strenuous exercise, the amount of water you drink should generally reach two to three liters.

2. Drink a small amount of water frequently

Drinking about 200 ml of water each time, and slowing down the speed, can make the water better fully absorbed in the intestines. Drinking a lot of water at a time will absorb and use less water, which means that water will be wasted. Therefore, everyone Be sure to slow down when drinking, and drink a small amount of about 200 ml each time.

Precautions for drinking boiled water
Precautions for drinking boiled water

3. Do not drink boiled water repeatedly

There is a lot of water vapor in the water that is repeatedly boiled, and the concentration of impurities and inorganic salts in it will increase accordingly, especially nitrite, which is a carcinogen. Excessive intake will not only damage the stomach, but also cause poisoning.

The benefits of drinking tea for a long time

1. Quenching your thirst

The benefits of drinking tea for a long time
The benefits of drinking tea for a long time

Tea contains polyphenols, sugars, pectin, amino acids and other ingredients, which can chemically react with saliva to moisturize the mouth. In addition, the caffeine in tea can also regulate the body temperature center in the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating body temperature. Everyone Drink more tea in summer.

2. Radiation protection

Tea contains nutrients such as polyphenolic esters, polysaccharides, vitamin C, and carotene, which can absorb radioactive strontium and excrete it in the form of feces. Moreover, there are also external radiation damages caused by proton numbers, X-rays or γ-rays. preventive effect.

3. Sterilization and disinfection

Sterilization and disinfection
Sterilization and disinfection

Studies have shown that tea has an inhibitory effect on the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus subtilis, Diphtheria, Proteus, Staphylococcus, etc. If the body is accidentally invaded by these bacteria and viruses, you may wish to drink more tea. Can play a sterilization and disinfection effect.

4. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Drinking tea can effectively reduce blood lipid and cholesterol levels. Tea polyphenols can inhibit the proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells, and have obvious anticoagulant, promoting fibrinolysis, anti-blood plaque formation, reducing vascular fragility and blood viscosity.

Precautions for drinking tea

1. Don’t drink strong tea

Strong tea will increase the excitability of the human body excessively, which will adversely affect the cardiovascular system and nervous system. People with cardiovascular disease may experience tachycardia or even arrhythmia after drinking strong tea, resulting in repeated illnesses.

Precautions for drinking tea
Precautions for drinking tea

2. Don’t drink new tea

Because the storage time of new tea is short, there are many unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, which have a strong stimulating effect on the human gastrointestinal mucosa and are easy to induce gastric diseases, so try to drink new tea as little as possible. , especially new tea that has been stored for less than half a month should be avoided.

3. Do not drink tea immediately after meals

Tea contains a lot of tannic acid. Tannic acid will react with iron in food to generate new substances that are difficult to dissolve. The main reason is that it can cause iron deficiency in the human body and even induce anemia. It is recommended to drink tea one hour after eating. This can not only ensure the body’s absorption of nutrients, but also play a role in digestion and digestion.

To sum up, whether drinking boiled water or drinking tea is beneficial to the human body, the premise is that you can grasp the correct method of drinking boiled water or drinking tea. I don’t know if everyone likes to drink boiled water or tea at ordinary times? If you have anything to add to this, please share.

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