How to protect the liver, How to check the liver is healthy by fingers sign

how to protect the liver

Introduction: The liver is the largest digestive organ in our body, and it is also the most important organ for our health. how to protect the liver

If you want to know if your liver is healthy, you can use your middle finger to see if your middle finger is uneven. If you find that the middle finger is thick or thin, it may be because of liver problems. If the thickness of the middle finger is relatively close, it may develop into hepatitis or cirrhosis. This means your liver is still very healthy.

how to protect the liver
how to protect the liver

1. Whether the liver is healthy, can you know by “raising your middle finger”? Early understanding, early benefit

1.1 Nails are uneven, with vertical lines

Under normal conditions, our nails should be very smooth and the nails should be red and shiny. If we find small indentations and bumps on the surface of the nails, it may be due to liver fire damage.

In particular, there are a lot of vertical lines on the nails, which may be caused by the lack of liver yin and liver blood. We must go to the hospital as soon as possible for a liver test.

Nails are uneven, with vertical lines
Nails are uneven, with vertical lines

The size of this kind of thing is different, and most of them appear in the area where the superior vena cava is distributed. The occurrence of spider nevus has a certain relationship with the increase in the level of estrogen in the body. The liver has a certain inactivation of estrogen in the human body. effect. So, spider naevi may appear.

1.2 Nail Texture

If there are many black streaks on the nails, it is generally a manifestation of poor liver and kidney function. Poor liver and kidney function will affect people’s metabolism in the body. In severe cases, it will lead to liver and kidney insufficiency. Therefore, it should be adjusted in time, and you can eat more. Some green foods can also be eaten with wolfberry, which has a good effect on protecting the liver and protecting the liver.

Nail Texture
Nail Texture

People’s hand nails can reflect people’s liver health. In their spare time, they can observe more hand nails and find out the health signals given by nails in time, so as to better maintain their health.

1.3 Moisture of the nails

Generally, healthy nails are relatively smooth, with no vertical grooves, no horizontal grooves, and no interference spots. If there are white spots on the nails, it is often related to people’s bad eating habits. Such bad eating habits will cause a large accumulation of toxins in the body and increase the burden on the liver, so you should usually develop good eating habits.

Moisture of the nails
Moisture of the nails

2. How to protect the liver by diet and exercise

2.1 Eat a good breakfast and be in good spirits all day

During the process of sleep, the liver will repair itself, and the speed of metabolism will also decrease. After a night of correction, a lot of water and nutrients are needed, because the things that entered the human body the day before have already been consumed.

So after getting up in the morning, be sure to eat a nutritious breakfast to provide the body with nutrients, and at the same time the liver needs sufficient protein to operate, which not only meets the needs of other parts of the body, but also reduces the pressure on the liver.

How to protect the liver by diet
How to protect the liver by diet

2.2 Exercise to protect the liver

Actively engaging in physical exercise is another effective way to protect the liver, because exercise can not only reduce excess body weight, prevent obesity, eliminate the harm caused by excessive fat to the liver, but also promote gas exchange, speed up blood circulation, and ensure that the liver can get more energy. Oxygen and nutrients.

From the point of view of protecting the liver, firstly, we must choose a good sports venue, preferably a place with a wide venue, wide field of vision, and fresh air; secondly, we must choose a good exercise program, which is a systemic low-intensity dynamic exercise with the goal of exercising physical strength and endurance. , such as jogging, going up and down stairs, climbing, playing badminton, swimming, playing Tai Chi, etc.

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